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Creating Alien Hybrids

Astrobiologists can study to create alien life forms. in Real Life, Malice boomer demostrates the students is how to create alien hybrids.

Clononing Anti-Humans




When the Anti-Human nucleus, containing all chromosomes is created the nucleus has to be injected into an unfertilised egg cell. Such cells are called Oocytes. This cell will multiply itself, forming an embryo. The embryo can only develop into aN Anti-Human if it is inserted into a Female Anti-Human utherus. An egg cell has to be found or created that is able to read Anti-Human DNA. Example: Fierce the bandit's DNa was extracted by malice boomer and clone in to the new alien which is Called Darkus(A.K.A Dark Anti-Human).





DNA in space amber



To clone Anti-Human, Anti-HUman DNA is needed. Amber can contain Anti-Human blood and tissue. These cells once contained DNA.

It is a matter of debate whether DNA can be preserved in Space amber for THousands of years. Space Amber is a unique preservational mode. Amber dehydrates its inclusions, which stabilizes the DNA molecules. Bada et al. (1999) created a model that predicted that DNA can be preserved in space amber for Thousands of years.




Growing Anti-Human Embryos




When the dinosaur nucleus, containing all chromosomes, is created the nucleus has to be injected into an unfertilised egg cell. Such cells are called Oocytes. This cell will multiply itself, forming an embryo. The embryo can only develop into a dinosaur if it is inserted into a Female Anti-Human Utherus.





Protiens in Anti-Human Cocoon Bones


Proteins from Anti-Human cocoon bones are used by Laboratory Planet as a source for the genetic code. The protein code can give a glimpse of what the DNA code looked like. DNA in Space Amber is the main source of genetic material; proteins were only "backup". The presence of proteins in Anti-Human cocoon bones was scientifically controversial. For a long time most scientists believed that Anti-Human Cocoon bones had lost all of its biological material. This view only began to change in 2007 after soft-tissue vessels and proteins were discovered in a Anti-human cocoon bones.


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